Saturday, November 21, 2009

Inna's Ceh Etter Leh - Letter to Brutus

Dear mighty and powerful Brutus,

I have written to you because I know you care for Rome and wouldn't let anything happen to our home. You must stop Caesar before he gets to powerful! He may destroy and take over Rome and no one wants this! We all believe you can stop the horrible Caesar before he becomes like the other kings. Would you really let our home fall into the hands of a tyrant.

Brutus think to yourself would you want to be controlled like a slave to Caesar? Brutus we need you on our side. We need to stop him, he is like a snake in an egg waiting to hatch into an poison killing machine.

Some people may think him rejecting the crown says he is a good person, but I and many others could see that every time he rejected the crown he wanted it more and more. Caesar is power hungry. He is attempting to convince us other wise but it is not working. You can see in his eyes all he wants is the power and control.

Most of us, except the foolish ones, want you to stop Caesar and soon. Mighty and powerful Brutus please help us! Make the right choice!


The People of Rome